Tips for Parents
10 Prevention Tips for Parents10 Prevention Tips for Parents
Parents are the number 1 influence on their child’s decision to use alcohol and other drugs. Learn how to keep your kids safe from the harms of alcohol and support them in making healthy decisions.
- Talk to your child, early and often.
The sooner you talk to your children about alcohol and other drugs, the greater chance you have of influencing their decisions.
- Know the Facts.
Be a source of credible information and advice for your kids by knowing the facts about alcohol and other drugs.
- Listen, avoid criticism, and encourage an open dialogue.
Remember that your goal is to have a conversation, not deliver a lecture.
- Set clear expectations and consequences about alcohol and drug use.
Don’t forget to reward good decisions.
- Talk with your child in advance about situations that may arise around alcohol.
Discuss together ways to avoid uncomfortable situations.
- Offer your child a safe ride home if they call.
Be sure your child knows that they can contact you, regardless of the situation they find themselves in.
- Be a positive role model.
Do not normalize or glamorize alcohol or other drug use.
- Secure it and lock it away.
Be sure to keep any alcohol, prescriptions, tobacco products, and marijuana locked away.
- Get to know your child’s friends and their parents.
Share with them your rules about not allowing alcohol and other drugs.
- Help your children find ways to have fun without alcohol.
Plan activities as a family or encourage your child to get involved in after-school activities, sports, clubs, or community service.
Find out how to talk to your child about alcohol HERE.